ACC Football Notes

Some random interesting bits from the weekly ACC football release (and elsewhere):

  • Maryland’s kicker Nick Novak became the ACC’s all-time leading scorer last weekend. He now has 335 career points. I guess that means the best ACC player ever, right?
  • Nine true freshmen played in UNC’s comeback win over William & Mary. That says two things – Carolina had a good recruiting class and they have a bad team.
  • Carolina had two 100 yard rushers in one game for the first time in ten years.
  • The ACC has never finished a season with a losing record against the Big East. It seems really unlikely to happen now.
  • Duke managed to lose to Navy by two touchdowns despite having a +3 turnover margin.
  • Wake Forest’s next opponent, East Carolina, was outrushed 478-59 by their first opponent, West Virginia. Too bad for the Pirates that Terry Holland doesn’t play nose tackle.
  • Virgina tight end, All-American Heath Miller, caught his 22nd career touchdown pass last weekend, increasing his ACC record for a tight end. Miller is only a junior. He’s going Wayne Gretzky on ACC tight end records.
  • Wake Forest’s Chris “Who?” Barclay has rushed for at least 120 yards in six of his last eight games.
  • John Swofford sucks.

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