Catching Up

I took a couple of days off last week and have been a bit busier at work. So I’ve missed posting on a few subjects that I’d rather not miss. To catch up, I’ll just put them all in this post.
TA McLendon’s NFL career didn’t last too long, huh? He was released by the Atlanta Falcons almost as soon as he was signed. Actually, I suppose it doesn’t mean his whole career is over, but that’s a hell of a way to start. For a guy whose college career fizzled under a damp blanket of trainer’s tape and fumbled balls, a good start was critical. As Caulton Tudor wrote, it just seems like TA never really got that he could no longer just rely on his talent to get him by. He ain’t in Albemarle, NC anymore. Well, actually he might be now.

Christian Laettner was undoubtedly one of the greatest ACC players ever. He was also one of the least likable. If you weren’t a Duke fan, you surely hated Laettner with his pretty-boy looks, constant sneer and ridiculous ability.
But times have changed. While he may have been an ass in college, he’s shaping up to be a hell of a man. He and longtime buddy Brian Davis (a relationship that spawned many rumors) have devoted a lot of their time and money in rebuilding downtown Durham. I don’t get over there much, but from all accounts, they’ve been very successful. Now, they are turning their efforts (and cash) to boosting the Duke basketball program’s already impressive coffers.
You have to respect guys who appreciate where they came from and try to give back.
The ACC Basketblog had too many good off-season hoops links the other day for me to bother breaking them out. Just check out their work and thank them for their finds.
The Duke Basketball Report (another great source of hoops news links) hooked me up with an interesting article by Thad Mumau about non top-100 recruiting in the ACC. Normally we only hear about the top guys, but often times, real success comes in having depth in recruiting. Unless you are Duke or Carolina, you can’t plan on targeting just top-20 guys. And actually, you’ll Duke and Carolina listed with many of the guys in this article. In fact, I was surprised by just how many of these guys seemed to be involved with tier-one programs. Just goes to show you that even with the seemingly nonstop recruiting coverage that exists these days, the whole story is often not reported.
And what about ACC football? Well, this time of year there are just so many damn articles. Surely you don’t need me to point them out.

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