I learned a couple of interesting things from my television the last couple of days.
Michael Phelps Is A Loser
Can you believe this guy? He was supposed to win 8 gold medals and he’s already lost twice. Bronze is for losers. It matters not that he lost his last race to the guy that is possibly the best swimmer ever. Actually, the two guys who beat him hold between them the ten fastest times in history in that race, and sure Phelps swam his personal best, an American record even, but still … the bottom line is he lost. Loser.
The Seahawks Are Contenders
On SportsCenter this morning, they had a little bit with Sean Salisbury called Contender or Pretender. When asked about the Seattle Seahawks, Sean told us that the Seahawks are contenders if they can manage to earn home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. So, just to clarify Sean, you’re saying that we should consider a team as a contender if it manages to have the best record in the NFC at the end of the regular season? Brilliant!
Thank you Sean.
And thank you television.
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