Finding Yourself

I apologize in advance for this post. It’s not really a sports one. Feel free to move along unless you care about things like blogging.
Just this morning, I realized that Google’s blog search is mighty damn cool. I’ve always used Technorati and BlogPulse to keep an eye on who’s been linking to my articles, but now I realize that Google just does a better a job. I should have known. I think I have a man-crush on Google.
Anyway, if you care to see who’s linked to your favorite site, just put into the search box and you’ll get a comprehensive list. You can sort be relevency or date. You can also (and this is the really cool part) get an RSS feed of the top 10 or 100 hits. That’s going right into my RSS reader.
Just browsing through the list this morning, I found a few links from sites that Technorati and BlogPulse never showed me. Google rocks.
Of course, you can also use the service for less narcissistic ends. Want to find out what bloggers are writing about the UNC coaching search or Jason Cain’s mustache? Google will tell you. (I know you want to click that last link. Go ahead.)

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