Calling on in transit
Calling on in transit
Radio Free Europe, radio …
I never knew what that song meant, and I still don’t. Makes no sense to me, but I like it.
Likewise, I can’t explain my recent radio frequency, but I like it. I had a great time on Grant Thompson’s Sports Pulse radio show last week and now I’m slated to do it again. I’ll be on tomorrow (Wednesday) at about 2:30. You can find the broadcast here.
And of course, I’m still slated to to be on a bit later, at 5. If you miss me at 2:30, maybe you can catch me there.
As you might guess, I’ll be talking about the NCAA Tournament, mostly about the ACC squads.
Check out this snazzy banner they made me!
I should point out that as the banner implies, you can interact with my appearance or any part of the show. When you listen, it pops up a chat room and you can comment, ask questions, etc. It’s actually pretty cool.
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