More Vaccaro

If you didn’t get enough sleaze from that last link, here’s another. It doesn’t have too much new info, but it does have some good quotes.
Think about that $3.5M Vaccaro was given by Reebok to woo teams. He mentioned that he had 10 top teams and about 25-30 others. Assume he paid about $30 for each of those 30 lower teams. That’s about $1M. That leaves $2.5M for the other ten teams. Of those ten, two were Greg Oden and OJ Mayo’s teams, clearly the two jewels in Vaccaro’s crown. I would’t be surprised if he threw a half mil or more at each team.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I support capitalism. What I don’t like is deceit, cheating and manipulating teens. Vaccaro and his ilk use these kids and teach them all sorts of terrible lessons about how to milk the system and skirt the NCAA rules (stupid as those rules may be).

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