Muddy Waters

The negotiations between Philip Rivers and the San Diego Chargers have gotten ugly. We first got word that talks had broken down yesterday, when the Chargers went public with their frustration.
Like many people, I read that and was shocked. Philips Rivers does not seem to be the kind of guy to negotiate that way, to turn down a huge contract. He doesn’t seem like a greedy guy.
Now, a bit more info is coming to light and it looks like the Chargers are the schmucks here. According to Rivers’ agent, Jimmy Sexton, the offer that the Chargers are saying was so great was full of impossible incentives. One rumor I heard was that they included a $5 million bonus if Rivers led the Chargers to four Super Bowls in his first four years!
Hmmm. Maybe I was too hard on Eli Manning afterall.

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