
Ahhh, football weekends. I’ve missed them so.
I love basketball. In fact, I’d say it’s my favorite sport. But, there’s something about football weekends. I love the schedule – college games on Saturday and pro on Sunday. In my opinion, that scheduling alone is at least half responsible for the continuing success of football.
I especially love how football season comes in just about the time when I can’t take yet another set of baseball highlights on ESPN (homerun, strikeout, homerun). Or worse, yet another story about the Boston Red Sox and/or New York Yankees. You know what? Most of us really don’t care!!
One thing that makes for a really great football weekend for me is when my teams all win, as they did this past weekend. Virginia pounded North Carolina on Saturday, showing that just maybe the hype is for real. Then, on Sunday, the Steelers beat the Raiders, although they didn’t really look too good doing it. The Steelers have a very 8-8 look to them. The final piece of the trifecta is my fantasy football team. The Crazy Irish Priests rolled to a 99-51 victory. Ahman Green’s big night last night just served to run up the score, as I’d wrapped it up on Sunday.
The only thing missing was that crisp fall air that just smells like football.
Life is good.

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